Glog ahoy! My friend Nabeel

Glog ahoy! My friend Nabeel is always telling me about cool software and web sites. So much so that I finally said “You need to get yourself a blog.” Here’s what he said:

“I just don’t think I’m cool enough to have a blog [He’s just being modest. He’s almost certainly cool enough. -Ed.]. In fact, I sort of like living vicariously through others’ blogs. That’ll be the new trend I start. I’ll start a movement where people get mentioned on other people’s blogs, without actually blogging anything themselves.” He calls this vicarious guest blogging activity glogging. That’s the nifty neologism… but what’s the content of Nabeel’s glog?

He was talking to a friend about stay-on tabs for beer and soda cans. One thing led to another and they found a good story (that was heard on NPR during the “Engineering & Life” segment) about the inventor of the stay-on tab. The stay-on tab, so ubiquitous that it is practically invisible (can you picture how it works?), was not a simple thing to design.
This speech at the University of Illinois is a somewhat more detailed version of the same thing. I started poking around the site and found all kinds of cool stuff. Thanks, Nabeel!